The definitive Oscar Wilde in America lecture tour itinerary
purpose of this itinerary is to provide for the first time an accurate
itinerary of Oscar
Wilde’s lecture tour of America in 1882.
We are fortunate to be able to build upon the work of other
Wilde scholars. We owe a tremendous debt to them and we are extremely
appreciative of their contributions to Wilde scholarship.
All previous chronologies have been shown to contain inaccuracies. This is not a
criticism. Authors had a wider canvass than Wilde in America, plus
each lacked subsequent knowledge or modern data recovery
methods as a research tool.
There are four main published chronologies of Oscar Wilde’s American
lecture tour that we have used as our starting point:
Mikhail, E. H., ed. Oscar Wilde:
Interviews and Recollections. 2 vols. London: MacMillan, 1979.
Ellmann, Richard. Oscar Wilde.
London: Hamish Hamilton; New York: Knopf, 1987.
Page, Norman. An Oscar Wilde
Chronology. Houndmills: MacMillian; Boston: G. K. Hall, 1991.
Beckson, Karl E., ed. The Oscar Wilde
Encyclopedia. New York: AMS Press, 1998.
None of these four existing calendars
agrees with any other. The differences are
demonstrated in a checklist format to which we have added a
fifth column for verification by the
Our standard is that no date, location, or
lecture subject, will be verified by OWSOA unless it can
be supported by a primary source.
The detail of Wilde’s American
tour presents considerable challenges and necessarily makes this a
continually evolving project.
Click here for more on
sources and standards.
Grand Hotel, Broadway and 31st Street,
New York City, [extant], John Cooper.
(Wilde's first lodging, January 1882- see Social Calendar) |